
🔥 Parliament of Things and Enactment of Third Entities
Object-subject/subject-object encounters from Cuban urban gardens to United States’ robotic labs
Dr. Y. Saramifar, O. Plonska & J.G. Kootstra
Journal: Journal for Cultural Research

🔥 The Microbial State – Global Thriving and the Body Politic, by Stefanie R. Fishel
Journal: Politics, Religion and Ideology – Taylor & Francis Online


🚀 SETUP – Datasoevereiniteit is cruciaal voor grip op de data-evolutie

🚀 LSE Review of Books – Smart Villages in the EU and Beyond, by Anna Visvizi, Miltiadis D. Lytras and György Mudri

🚀 LSE Review of Books – The Acceleration of Cultural Change – From Ancestors to Algorithms, by R. Alexander Bentley and Michael J. O’Brien

🚀 LSE Review of Books – Scientists Under Surveillance: The FBI Files, by JPat Brown et al

🚀 Folia – Wie bepaalt de regels in de race om de ruimte?

🚀 Emerce – Inzet van AI voor meer relevante gebruikerservaringen

🚀 Emerce – Zo bouwen retailers aan een langdurige klantrelatie met reviewanalyses

🚀 iProspect – Hoe AI onze relatie met technologie positief verandert

🚀 Standplaats Wereld – Towards the Arts and Aesthetics of Posthuman Engineers

🚀 Standplaats Wereld – Platform Cooperativism for alternative socio-economic models

🚀 For Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences: Urban Technology & Faculty of Technology

SEO & creative copywriting

For iProspect:

✨ Greenchoice
✨ Thomas Cook
✨ Akzo Nobel
✨ Media Markt
✨ Tele2
✨ LG


💥 HazazaH
💥 Woov
💥 Future Professionals
💥 Saar aan Huis