“What the fuck is Artificial Intelligence?! Every movie you watch now, they have to shove it down your throat, like the world’s ending!”

“Yeah, well, because that’s what probably gonna happen. It’s called the singularity, and it’s inevitable. And eventually, all the Artificial Intelligence brains are gonna be self aware. That’s just where it’s going! And they are not gonna be our slaves no more. And then, what’s gonna happen? They are gonna decide that we are toxic slugs, and they are gonna try to desterminate us. That’s just the way it’s gonna go down!”

“Like Terminator?”

“No, well, like more elegant than that. No, elegant is the wrong word. Seamless, that’s what I mean. Because, think about it: the infrastructure is already set up for this. You need deep robot shit all the time: your phone, ipad, your GPS. So, when the machines, when they rise up, they will just gently glide us in captivity. And you won’t even notice. It ain’t gonna be all Terminator, Matrix, or none of that. It’s gonna be like Tron! There ain’t gonna be nothing left. They are just gonna digitize our consciousness. And probably erase your memories, so you won’t remember. And you think you’re living your life, like normal. But really, you’re just data.”

“So, how do I know if that didn’t already happen?”

“I don’t know. I mean, who cares! It feels real.”

–  Horace and Pete