Category: Commons

Datasoevereiniteit is cruciaal voor grip op de data-evolutie

Nu de Tweede Kamer datahandel neigt te versoepelen, wordt het urgenter om de controle terug te pakken over onze eigen data. – Gepubliceerd op SETUP. Wie kan ons garanderen dat…

James Seibold ©

Platform Cooperativism for alternative socio-economic models

We are most probably all familiar with internet-based platforms like AirBnB and Uber. Contemporary economies are increasingly mediated by and through such platforms, which gave rise to a…

Welcome to Nesta’s ShareTown


Common-based peer production

2018 and Onward: Where we are at with Platform Cooperativism

By Trebor Scholz. Originally published in Platform.Coop Friends, This has been a difficult but also consequential year for many of us. Beyond the political chaos, we bore witness to the “Death…