Category: Antropologie

v2_ 3x3 - live experimenteren

Boek: 3×3 – Live experimenteren

‘3×3, Live experimenteren, Dries Depoorter, Jeroen van Loon, Constant Dullaart, 2016’ is een reflectie op de eerste editie van 3×3 in 2016. Samenstellers: Jochem Kootstra & Florian WeiglJaar: 2020Type: PDF, Open…

James Seibold ©

Platform Cooperativism for alternative socio-economic models

We are most probably all familiar with internet-based platforms like AirBnB and Uber. Contemporary economies are increasingly mediated by and through such platforms, which gave rise to a…

Toward the Art and Aesthetics of Entangled Posthuman Engineers

We live in the Age of Entanglement, in which the engineers are getting more entangled with technology by colliding the natural-artificial, human-nonhuman, subject-object; think of bioengineering or constructing…